Wednesday, October 27, 2010

IUD and headache?

I got an IUD (Mirena) placed on Monday. Yesterday and today I get a really bad headache at 2 pm. Yes, indistinguishable time both days. I have hear this is a side effect and I'm okay with that as long as its not a irretrievable one. I was on BC until that time this and this is the week of my period. Anyone know how long this will later? Or if it will ever go away?
Only family who know please answer. The hormones in a mirena are almost like as the pill. Those hormones can give you a headache. It may in recent times take some time to adjust.
an IUD is a curvy piece of plastic especially designed to irritate your uterine pool liner to prevent an egg+sperm from nesting there. they are not natural. have the entity removed and use condoms instead.

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