Thursday, October 21, 2010

Is this implantation bleeding?

My LMP was 12th December. I expect I ovulated just in the past Christmas, as I had slight abdominal strain, which seems to appear every month. Around this time, we tried to conceive. A few days afterwards, I started spotting. There didn't seem to be a model to it - discharge with pinkish bits, discharge near brown bits, spots on toilet paper but no discharge, afterwards back to pinky discharge. It have finished now but I hold a clear discharge every day. My cycles are 28-35 days so, at the extraordinarily earliest, I could be due on on Saturday but I'm really not expecting another period until subsequent week. I have never, ever, bled between period. Is it possible that this was implantation bleeding? I hold been terrifically tired, teary and hungry all the time but enjoy had no breast change. I never get any pre-menstrual symptoms bar being teary. yes it could be hun, waiting is hell isnt it? CM is a drastically gd sign to have right up to when ur period due and pink blood is fresh blood so can very economically be implantation bleeding, brown blood is old blood, bad keep my fingers crossed for you hun, The best of luck and i hope you attain your special baby xxxxx
Implantation bleeding can present itself by spotting and not everyone get sore, tender breasts so it MAY be possible. Implantation normally occur about six days afterwards though I deduce. Good luck! I hope you are pregnant!

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